The beginning of CICF
Ken and Evelyn McPhee visited Israel less than a year after the dramatic 1967 Six Day War. Evelyn noticed an article in the Jerusalem Post about a Home for severely emotionally disturbed children. The Home was established in Jerusalem to treat victims of the Holocaust, but continues to serve children with similar needs from other causes. Evelyn and Ken visited the Home and were very moved by the children’s plight. They began talking with brothers and sisters, forming a committee involving the Evans, McPhees, Moores and Morgans. Fundraising for support of the Home began under the name Christadelphian Israeli Children’s Fund (CICF) in 1970. By the end of 2019, $650,000 had been collected from the Christadelphian community – 100% remitted for support of children at the Home in Jerusalem through affiliated charities in the US and Canada to enable donor tax receipts.